MASTER – Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing.
Partners: Panepistimio Patron (Greece), Fundación Tekniker (Spain), Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur kunstiliche intelligenz GMBH (Germany), Virtualware (Spain), TEACHING FACTORY COMPETENCE CENTERUPSKILLING AND TRAINING DEVELOPMENTAND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE MANUFACTURING IND (Greece), ALECOP Sociedad Cooperativa (Spain), ESCI European Science Communication Institute (Germany).
The objective of MASTER is to boost the XR ecosystem for teaching and training of robotics in manufacturing by providing an Open XR platform that integrates key functionalities for creating safe robotic environments, programming flexible robotic applications (programming by demonstration in flexible robotic application development) and integrating advanced interaction mechanisms (innovation in gaze-based interaction). MASTER will also deliver rich training content on robotics. MASTER proposes integrating third party contributions through two Open Calls: The first one aims to provide the platform with additional technologies and functionalities. The selected companies will have the opportunity to integrate their technology in the platform and test it with a wide range of end-users. The second Open Call is aimed at the education sector, by offering the possibility to test first-hand the platform and tools to create their own content.
HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based
ROCK – Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities.
The Objective of this project is:
- To develop an innovative, collaborative and systemic approach to effective regeneration and adaptive reuse strategies in historic city centres.
By implementing a repertoire of successful heritage-led regeneration initiatives, it will test the replicability of a spatial approach and of successful models addressing the specific needs of historic city centres.
Funded by European Union. Horizon 2020 Program. Grant Number: SC5-21-2016-2017 – 730280-1.
MEMENTO – Persuasive system supporting Memory and Moments of people with Early and Middle stage of dementia.
The Objective of this project is:
- To develop a tool that, by integrating devices capable of recording digital video images, photographs, written and audio notes, allows the collection of relevant information for the user, in such a way that he can recover memories in a faster and more comfortable way, as a tool to support the progressive loss of memory caused by the clinical dementia syndrome.
Funded by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia within the framework of the European Union Programme “Active Assisted Living” (AAL).
WASTE 4 THINK – Moving towards Life Cycle Thinking by integrating Advanced Waste Management Systems
The Objective of this project is:
- To design an integral solution based on ICTs to improve all stages of the life cycle of urban waste management.
Funded by the EU. H2020 Program. Grant number: 6a-2015 – 688995.
FOCUS LOCUS – ADHD management gaming system for educational achievement and social inclusion.
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop a highly disruptive and innovative gamified intervention programme for assisting children to manage and overcome the ADHD symptoms.
Funded by the EU. Innovation Action Project. H2020 Program. Grant number: ICT-24-2016 – IA -732375
The Objective of this project was:
- To provide employment and self-containment of university and college graduates, unemployed engineers, as well as ATO veterans in Ukraine, offering them knowledge and skills necessary in digital game industry.
Funded by the EU. Erasmus + Programme. Grant number: 561728-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
IN-LIFE-INdependent Living support Functions for the Elderly)
The Objective of this project was:
- To prolong and support the independent daily life of the elderly with cognitive decline through interoperable, open, personalised and uniform ICT solutions in their daily life (household activities, communication, health maintenance, travel, mobility and socialisation)
Funded by the European Union. H2020 Program. Grant number: PHC-20-2014- 643442.
CONCEPT – Collaborative Creative design PlaTform
The Objective of this project was:
- To deploy a semantically improved tool to support synchronous/asynchronous collaborative design processes in industrial companies.
Funded by the European Union. 7th Framework Programme. Grant number ICT-2013.8.1.
The Objective of this project was:
- To develop a low-cost interactive touch display device to improve accessibility for the visually impaired.
Funded by the European Union. 7th Framework Programme. SME-2012. Grant number SME-2012-1.
V-MUST – Virtual Museum Transnational Network
The Objective of this project was:
- To provide the heritage sector with the tools and support to develop Virtual Museums that are educational, enjoyable, long-lasting and easy to maintai
Funded by the European Union. 7th Framework Programme. Grant number FP7-ICT-2009-6