Unai Extremo, CEO de Virtualware se une al Consejo Tecnológico de Forbes

Forbes Technology Council Is an Invitation-Only Community for World-Class CIOs, CTOs, and Technology Executives.

Unai Extremo, CEO, and founder of the European Virtual Reality company Virtualware has been accepted into Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives.

Unai was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors.

Unai Extremo, CEO y fundador de la empresa europea de Realidad Virtual Virtualware, ha sido entrado a formar parte del Consejo Tecnológico de Forbes, una comunidad sólo por invitación para CIOs, CTOs y ejecutivos de tecnología de clase mundial.

Unai ha sido seleccionado por un comité de revisión que ha valorado la profundidad, diversidad y amplia experiencia especialmente en la tecnología de realidad virtual. Entre los criterios de aceptación incluyen un historial de impacto exitoso en las métricas de crecimiento del negocio, así como logros y honores personales y profesionales.

“We are honored to welcome Unai into the community. Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry, creating a curated, social capital-driven network that helps every member grow professionally and make an even greater impact on the business world”

Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes Forbes Technology Council

Finally,  Unai Extremo will benefit from exclusive access to vetted business service partners, membership-branded marketing collateral, and the high-touch support of the Forbes Councils member concierge team.

“I am thrilled to join the Forbes Technology Council. Virtual Reality is changing the tech landscape incredibly fast, and our being members of the council will be key to our mission being well-known and received within the tech community”

Unai Extremo, CEO & Founder at Virtualware


ABOUT forbes councils

Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional business owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that can help them thrive.


