Virtualware acude al VR AR Global Summit Expo

VR AR Global Summit que tiene lugar los días 1 y 2 de Noviembre en Vancouver, reúne más de 125 ponentes, numerosas demostraciones en las que probar los nuevos dispositivos de RV y RA, varios casos de éxito, múltiples talleres, y networking. Un lugar donde líderes de la industria debaten sobre como implementar soluciones de VR y AR de manera eficiente.

Virtualware empresa global, líder en soluciones basadas en tecnologías inmersivas, compartirá casos reales, en los que la tecnología de realidad virtual está aportando resultados positivos a las compañías.  David Moreno, Head of Marketing and Business Development, as speaker presentará el día 2 de Noviembre a las 11:45am, nuestro enfoque sobre como las salas inmersivas a gran escala, están cambiando la formación VR.

The VR/AR Global Summit is one of the year’s most anticipated conferences. It attracts a broad, international cross-section of thought leaders, enterprise executives, entertainment companies, and developers for an intense two days of panels, demos and networking.


La conferencia patrocinada por Microsoft y Amazon, cuenta con la participación de grandes empresas como HP, Vive, Lenovo y Magic Leap, y Virtualware entre otras.

About the VR/AR Global Summit
Hosted by the VR/AR Association, this world-class conference and expo will welcome 1000+ Executives, 120+ Speakers and Exhibitors from leading companies like Lenovo, Microsoft, Niantic, Viacom, and so many more. With over 230 companies active in VR/AR, Vancouver is the 2nd largest immersive ecosystem in the world and this is the 4th year the event is happening in Vancouver. Learn more at


About VR/AR Association
The VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to facilitate collaboration between innovative companies and people in the VR and AR ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry standards, connects member organizations and promotes the services of member companies. Over 4000 companies, brands, schools, and 27,000 professionals are registered with VRARA and 20 industry committees are working on best practices & guidelines for the industry.