Virtualware at APMA Digital manufacturing Committee Webinar: Workforce Transformation

Canada’s national association representing OEM producers of parts, equipment, tools, supplies, advanced technology, and services for the worldwide automotive industry celebrates on June 9 2022, a new Digital Manufacturing Committee of industry experts to explore workforce transformation trends and insights.

The Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association APMA’s committees bring together industry leaders from across our membership to discuss challenges and opportunities and exchange ideas and insights.

Michael Rosas, Virtualware’s VP for North America together with Ricardo Moreno (General Electric Hitachi) will explore how GEH is using the VR Platform VIROO to provide cost-effective and safe training for high-risk operations at their nuclear plants, and it´s helping them to drive better outcomes while reducing costs and reducing risk.

This webinar presents an excellent opportunity to join some industry experts from Magna Internacional, Microsoft Canda, Vehiqilla, Niagara College, Kognitive Spark, and AMPA. Check the speakers at the AMPA Digital Manufacturing Committee.

“We provide businesses with clear strategies on how to level up their collaborative design and training environments to stay ahead of the curve in today’s globally connected digital landscape.”

Michael Rosas, VP General Manager at Virtualware

Interested in workforce transformation trends and insights? Join industry experts on Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. for the APMA Digital Manufacturing Committee Webinar: Workforce Transformation.

What is VIROO®

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