Virtualware at Museum Tech 2019: A digital Festival for Museums

The Museums Association is pleased to announce Museum Tech 2019 – a jam-packed day celebrating new and emerging digital technologies that are helping to shape the way audiences experience museums and their collections – that will take place at the Museum of London on the 27th of June.

This interactive Museums Association One-Day Conference will feature case studies, keynotes and practical demonstrations that will shed light on how technology can be used in many diverse areas of museum practice.

Delegates will have the opportunity to try out new digital tools and devices, as well as discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding the usage of digital technology in museums.

The day will be chaired by Lauren Vargas, Digital Fellow, One by One, and Jon Bazan, our UK & Ireland Business Manager, will have the chance present our solutions and cutting-edge experiences we have developed across museums around the world.

Virtualware has recently joined this leading association with the aim of spreading the potential of immersive and interactive technologies to generate long-lasting memories.

Follow this event on Twitter: #MATech2019

Further info: Museum Association


Virtualware recently joined the world’s oldest museums association, a dynamic membership organisation that campaigns for socially engaged museums. It is the only professional body for all museums in the four nations of the UK with almost 9.000 individual members, approximately 600 institutional members and over 260 corporate members.