Virtualware joins BBK Kuna

Virtualware is one of the 83 companies of BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK, an alliance committed to the transformation of Bizkaia and to create a more sustainable and equitable future.  Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals.

Achieving those goals is not a simple task, so every step towards the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda is important.  They are ambitious goals and meeting them is not something that can be done by one person or one government on his own, it is neither an action that can be done in a day or a year or even a decade. The fulfilment of the SDGs must be a global change shared without control in which all people, companies, organizations, have to collaborate.

In our strategic plan 2021-2023 called “a new path”, we have established Virtual Reality and Sustainability as the two fundamental pillars, making all the people in Virtualware contribute and participate to a greater or lesser extent.  A group of 11 people from different departments, is leading this task, working on analysing how from different parts of the company, and from our activity can we contribute to creating a better world.

BBK KUNA 2030 KIDEAK initiative goes in the same direction, it has been created as a multi-sector alliance to accelerate collaboration and innovation, aimed to activate the 2030 Agenda, and take the necessary steps to achieve the SDGs in Bizkaia.

The official event presentation that took place last June 22 at the Sala BBK, in which

“We are happy to be somehow an active part of this network. Collaborate with other large and small companies research centres, associations and foundations will help us to join forces on meeting the 2030 agenda”

Unai Extremo, Virtualware CEO

The associations and individuals now part of the BBK Kuna ecosystem can access specific training sessions on the SDGs, join other local and international alliances, participate in Learning Communities, Research-Action Projects, The Future Game, and other projects hosted by BBK Kuna.

17+1 companies have been selected as AURRERAKIDE by BBK, UNESCO Etxea, and DOT S.Coop to achieve a particular SDG of the Agenda 2030. And the figure of the KIDEAK, which despite being organizations that have not been chosen to carry out a specific SDG, will participate in the network to join efforts and achieve a better world.


Born in 2004, Virtualware is a unique organization pushing the boundaries of Virtual Reality.  Our purpose is to promote the vast potential of virtual reality and accelerate its adoption to help companies and institutions create a sustainable future that moves society forward.