Virtualware and SMARTPM to show the benefits of virtual commissioning in manufacturing at MetalMadrid
SMARTPM, specialists in intelligent automation, together with Virtualware, Europe's leading virtual reality (VR) provider, will bring the latest developments of the R2M Project for
Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures
ROCK celebrates Open Knowledge Week “Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures”
Kessler Foundation’s lead research scientists visit Virtualware’s headquarters
Virtualware was visited by the researchers who are leading the Kessler Foundation Spatial Retraining Therapy
Smartex, intelligent platform for rehabilitation
An interactive system based on games including a wireless data capture system to detect muscle fatigue for the rehabilitation of the upper limbs
Cyber Surgery and VirtualWare successfully closed the first year of development of ASSURE project
The project ASSURE is aimed at providing mayor security using the surgical robotized assistant