ADIF will have a robust infrastructure and set of tools to broadly control its training content, management and deployment while forging its ecosystem and innovation initiatives in XR.
Putting Virtualware expertise in creating enterprise-grade XR ecosystems to the service of all members, accelerating digital transformation and adoption of innovative technologies.
Virtualware has become a member of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare joining hundreds of members in the healthcare simulation community
Stay at the forefront of education
Virtualware is expanding the use of VIROO by using JT Open Toolkit to minimize their client’s development efforts
Virtualware and Virtual4 partner to leverage VR business in Colombia through VIROO
Virtualware has become a member of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine SESAM, joining hundreds of members in the healthcare simulation community
Virtualware showcases VIROO at the Simulation for European Space Programmes.
UTR works in partnership with UTC to contribute to economic growth in Aguascalientes
This strategic plan is the beginning of a new path for Virtualware. We are opening a new period in which we are clearly and decisively committed to Virtual Reality and Sustainability