Virtualware’s commitment to Inspira STEAM Program

Promoted by the University of Deusto, Inspira STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) is a pioneering program launched in 2016 in the Basque Country with the aim of promoting the scientific-technological vocation among primary school students, making them aware of the reality of women in the scientific-technological field, and especially supporting girls who are interested in these areas.

This year is taking place the 4th edition (2019/20) and the evolution of the program has been very positive. It started with 17 mentors, 11 centres, 220 girls and covering only Euskadi, and the third edition closed with 315 mentors, 113 centres, 2,982 girls and 2,893 boys and 4 more autonomous communities (Catalonia, Madrid, Andalusia and Galicia).

The core of the program are the mentors, who voluntarily bring their day to day to girls and boys through work sessions during school hours. All of them are scientists and technologists who develop their professional activity in different fields: academic, business, research, management, etc.

Virtualware was aware of the initiative from the beginning, we were one of the signers of the Manifiesto inspira and we collaborate with the program from the first edition. Over these years, four colleagues from Virtualware have met with girls from the assigned centres, they have helped to solve doubts about the professions in science and technology, to clarify their motivations and to strengthen their self-esteem in order to start this professional path, if they wish.

Maria Madarieta, Blanca Rey, Noemi Bellota and Irene Gallardo:

Thank you for your commitment, for being references for girls who may feel attracted by the world of immersive and interactive technologies, for sharing your time, vision and experience.

It is time to continue working and continue spreading the seed of #STEAM in the younger generations, so that those who have a technological or scientific vocation feel supported when they choose this type of careers and that we can count on the most prepared talent, no matter their sex. 

Further information (spanish):