Virtualware joins SSH

Virtualware, a unique company mastering Virtual Reality since 2004, joins the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, the world’s largest organization dedicated to medical simulation with over 4,000 members, to accelerate the adoption of Virtual Reality in healthcare simulation through VIROO®.

The non-profit’s mission is to advance the application and promote the art, science, and practice of healthcare simulation through global engagement.  SSH seeks to reduce errors in patient care and improve clinical performance using simulation.  Julio Alvarez, Health Business Manager of Virtualware, was recently introduced as a new member at the latest SSH Corporate Roundtable Meeting.

“We are working on elevating medical simulation to the next level by incorporating virtual reality to the traditional medical simulation available tools. Joining SSH community is a great opportunity to stablish a solid relationship with this group of experts and leverage the technology on healthcare simulation through VIROOTM” .”

Julio Alvarez, Health Business Manager in Virtualware

VIROO is an all-in-one tool that places the full potential of Virtual Reality in your hands giving companies and institutions the power to pursue the extraordinary by boosting Innovation. With VIROOTM everybody can create, manage and deploy any VR Project without limits.

Virtualware truly believes in the potential of Virtual Reality to change the world. By joining SSH they will continue pushing the boundaries to accelerate the adoption of this technology by placing VIROOTM as the standard in medical simulation.

“It is no secret that Virtual Reality has become a focal point in simulation in healthcare. We are thrilled to welcome Virtualware as a member of the SSH Corporate Roundtable, joining our impressive line-up of companies who are promoting the visibility and recognition of the science and study of simulation into the future”

Olivia Rosace, SSH Coordinator of Meetings and Exhibits

Based in the United States, SSH hosts in January the annual healthcare simulation conference entitled “International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare” (IMSH) that each year brings together around 3,000 Simulation Educators, Administrators and Sim Techs. A great opportunity in which Virtualware will network Simulation Champions from around the world, learn from experts, see the latest medical simulators, and share how VIROO is helping medical institutions, research centres, universities to elevate health education.


Born in 2004, Virtualware is a unique organization pushing the boundaries of Virtual Reality.  Our purpose is to promote the vast potential of virtual reality and accelerate its adoption to help companies and institutions create a sustainable future that moves society forward.

About viroo

VIROO is a unique VR Innovation tool that places the full potential of Virtual Reality in your hands. The Award-winning VR Enterprise Solution of The Year simplifies the adoption of Virtual Reality, giving companies and institutions the power to pursue the extraordinary by boosting innovation. Innovate in our reality, change the world.

About SSH

Established in 2004 by professionals using simulation for education, testing, and research in health care, SSH fosters the improvement and application of simulation–based modalities such as human patient simulators, virtual reality, standardized patients, and task trainers. The purpose of the SSH is to serve a global community of practice enhancing the quality of healthcare..